How to Add Time Stamps to YouTube Videos

Hello YouTubers, Vloggers, and anyone else who happens to make YouTube videos and is reading this blog post. Today I am going to share a helpful SEO tool for online videos.

While running some Google queries, I happen to notice in the video results that some videos were displaying time stamps, or as Google calls them key moments, underneath the video.

Before jumping into how to do it lets start with “What are time stamps?”. Time stamps, or Key Moments, in a video are highlights where people can immediately jump too to watch that portion of the video. Simple enough, right?

Here is a screenshot of my latest home tour’s description is written to generate the Key Moments in search results which can be seen in the Feature Image.

As you see, the words Time Stamps are written at the very top of the description box, then posting the time with a hyphen and the coinciding item. I didn’t go all crazy with adding Time Stamps because I wanted to get the highlights and not every bathroom or corner of the home – this was a smaller home as well.

After the Time Stamps I have my standard property details, description, and links to my socials.

I used to write Time Stamps in years ago yet found that descriptions where never read and stopped using them. Now it seems that Time Stamps have a useful purpose within search.

Bruce Clay spoke about Time Stamps years back yet never seen them displayed in search results. If you’d like to read more on Time Stamps head over to Search Engine Journal to read their article – where I learned this.

Hope that helps your online efforts!

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