Dilemma with good and bad linking tactics

Purchasing blog posts, from other website owners, has been looked at and evaluated by Google in recent SEO news, the Google Slap, and as a result many blogs devalued. The real estate industry was focused on quite heavily because competition in the real estate industry, between agents and offices, forced other to resort to paid tactics to generate higher link popularity, to gain strategic positioning on search engines, and as a result those sites were punished.

The partial update to visible PageRank that went out a few days ago was primarily regarding PageRank selling and the forward links of sites. So paid links that pass PageRank would affect our opinion of a site.

Unfortunately that is not the dilemma driving this post. Let us explore the blogger who has a client and needs to finds affordable link building strategies resulting in the blogger posting on social/professional networking site and strategically linking to said client. Is that a breach of blogging ethics or is it just good business?

My clients and myself are not people that are made of money and divulge in purchasing fist full of links from quality directories, like Yahoo’s, and sometimes more creative strategies have to be explored just to be competitive with others who may have those deep pockets.

To me this sounds like smart business tactics for the benefit of my clients.

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